My new miniature mare arrived from Indiana after Easter. Her owner said she had not been in season since it was winter up there. Three days after her arrival here in Florida she started. We let that season pass and one more month also just to get her settled in from travel and a new place and a new stallion. We put her in with the stallion then the third month--June. Once again on the third week of the month she was in again and was receptive of him. She would stand for him, However, he seemed to wear himself out all day long---mounting, but never getting it in, rubbing it on the top of her tail. We tried to hold her on halter and wrap her tail and hold it aside and he said , "no, I am not going to do it with you all part of this." We left them together . At night she slept and ate her grain in her own stall. Then one morning, she turned on him and kicked and drove him away. This month she did not come in. Do you think it means he finally connected? Or do the mares just stop coming into season in the summer?