I cannot tell a lie Holly......I don't stay on your page when Precious is just standing around. I'm unfaithful.
I scroll through other streams.
HOWEVER, I don't think I'm the only one!
Just came off Sasquatch Watch (where I only saw deer feeding in a snow storm) to check in here. Seems Precious is going to follow the book. Very, very slowly.
You'll have to upgrade your toothpick eye proppers to skewers. Make coffee today, leave it sit on low for drinking tomorrow. Change out of the blue jeans your usually dressed in during checks into yoga pants. That way, every little prickly thing will be poking your forneverness and help in keeping you awake. Get a copy of your most despised song, and play it on repeat....repeat.....repeat.....repeat...repeat....repeat....repeat...(is it working yet?!)
Then, after 11 and 1/2 hours of all of the above, run in the house to piddle. Glance at live feed, see everything is the same. Run to bathroom. Pause to wash hands, get distracted cleaning dirt from under fingernails, spend 5 minutes concentrating on clean hands. Return to barn without glancing at cam and find Precious nonchalantly licking foal dry.