I dont have an exact due date because I didnt breed her, she was bred at a friends place, they were put together 3/6/16, she remembers they bred soon after so that is the earliest date I have for her. She could have been covered a week or 2 later. Given how she is progressing I dont think its much later than that.
Yes Jan- Feb at earliest, I am in Texas so not cold like most have to deal with But down right freezing for us
I am prepared though, with foal blankets, heat lights ( if needed, the kind that hang so not dangerous for barn use) and lots of thick bedding. Got a make shift hallway on the barn so that will help this winter.
My welsh mare used to foal in Feb, so I am pretty good at dealing with early foalings, though I would much prefer March ? April foalings!!
This season I should also have a June and July foaling, which to me is worse because its just so darn hot here.