This forum has a built in photo gallery for the members to use.
Each member has their own gallery .... feel free to post as many pictures as you like.
Click on the gallery tab in the menu above the message boards, then click on "User Galleries", then your own username to get to your gallery.
The first step you have to do is create at least one category. Look for the Gallery Admin Panel and click on Add Category. The only thing you have to fill in is a Title, but you can also add a description if you want. The Title can be anything you want .... My 2016 Foals for example. When you've filled out whatever you want, just click the Add Category button and you're ready to star adding pictures. You can add multiple categories if you like.
Once you have at least one category, click on Add Picture to upload your picture(s). Select a category under User Gallery and then click the Add Picture button. Once again fill in at least a title, then click the "browse" button to select the image file from your computer. Check or uncheck any of the options and click the "Add Picture" button (yes AGAIN LOL) and you're done.
If you go in and view your picture, underneath it you'll see a link that you can copy/paste in order to insert your picture into messages on the boards.
Let me know if you have any problems by replying to this topic .... I'll be notified of any replies and will answer as soon as I'm able