Yea she looking very good!! As for breaking the seal, loosing colostrum, no, because wax is fluid leaking because of pressure, or contractions, etc. When you milk test, or take a sample to analyse the milk, your not pulling enough out to cause a problem. Most mares continue to produce colostrum for 6-12 hours after foaling. It slowly turns over to milk.
A lot of mares wax, leak drip or stream prior to foaling and still have plenty for foal. Now if the mare had been streaming for several days prior to foaling, there is a test that can be done to be sure. Called IGG. I know a lot of breeders who do the test on every foal as a precaution. There is also a product on the market called seramune, that's given at birth to be sure foal is protected. It's expensive but well worth keeping on had if needed.
I think your mare is looking great, fingers crossed for a safe foaling!!