Apparently, self-employed is going to be my only option.....for the next 90 days and perhaps beyond.
Thursday at work I had a seizure. It's the second one I've had since my nephew passed on the 20th. I haven't been on meds for a while (it's a long story, won't bore y'all with the details.) When I went to my new doctor, she put me back on dilantin....and she also informed me that I would be unable to drive for the next 90 days.
Normally, I'd try to make arrangements for transportation, as any responsible person does. However, in this case, I'll be staying home. My job is only 11-18 hours per week. I get paid a bit more than minimum wage, but not too much more. The mission is 28 miles door-to-door, so that is (partially) why I decided to just stay home. By the time I paid someone for their time and gas, there wouldn't be much left. Thank the very good Lord above, I don't HAVE to work to survive. I have a husband that can support us if we tighten our belts a bit.
Paula came to visit yesterday, and we talked about all kinds of things. We discussed horses, chickens, gardens, Paleo diets, and natural healing. We talked about how we could survive if there weren't tvs and cells get the idea. I told her I was going to sit on the "pity pot" all day today....but I didn't! Only until 11, then I got up and started working around here. My biggest thing is that I go so frinkin' slow.
What my husband or niece can accomplish in 20 minutes takes me 90 minutes or longer. It's very frustrating.
There are good things. When I was in the fast food business, my owner operator trained me well. I took advantage of every opportunity he offered, and have thanked God many times in the 10 years for the skills I acquired. To Do lists are my very best friends. I write down EVERYTHING I need to do, no matter how small, so that I can see that I'm doing SOMETHING. Other good things are that now I can concentrate on downsizing, decluttering, working on a business plan, and working on the garden plots. Oh, and Chanda talking about Quickbooks reminded me I need to see about online business classes.
Yeah....the garden plots...
The volunteer plot (where volunteer tomatoes, corn, sunflowers, millet and a couple of squash grew) is inside the area we have fenced off for Spanky. I think I'll leave it, and see what comes up this year. I think this year's cold snap killed off my mint, but I'll see if it recovers. I'm trying to decide if I want to use a couple of cattle panels to make a hoop greenhouse. I'll put one end of the panels on the ground, and attach the other end to a board between two fence posts. The end attached to the board would be at a 5 foot height. I can close it in with plastic for now, and CHASE my chickens inside. Then they can till it for me for the next month or so. I figured that if it works, I could move it down one section and create another plot. I WANT to have several plots, but realistically I'd better stick with just two. I want to be successful, not overextend myself then be angry because I failed.
So, that's what I'll be doing for the next 90 days. I will do my very best to take pictures to document progress. I often forget photos, as I'm a words person. I can usually describe stuff well enough for people to see or feel what I'm trying to communicate. (Unless, like above description, I edit myself as to not ramble on too long.) I'll be watching what everyone else is doing, and celebrating successes and commiserating when things don't work out.